About Joe Atzberger
Joe Atzberger (atz) is a library hacker in Palo Alto, CA. He worked with Galen at both LibLime and Equinox Software, Inc. as an open source developer on Koha and Evergreen. Joe currently works on Hydra and institutional digital repository infrastructure at Stanford.
I’m expecting you already know about the important Oracle v. Google court case over Android’s use of Java APIs, including both copyright and patent claims. But it would be hard to find a more detailed and direct account than Groklaw’s … Continue reading →
In as direct and unflinching an account as you are likely to see from a library, Sweden’s LIBRIS nationella bibliotekssystem explains 3 reasons why OCLC WorldCat terms don’t really work for them: http://librisbloggen.kb.se/2012/04/19/clarification-regarding-worldcat-membership-2/ Tip o’ the hat to the cluegiver … Continue reading →
I know patching massive and longstanding security holes doesn’t contribute to “developer fun”, but neither does living in a world where GitHub (and by extension every project that uses it) are vulnerable to direct exploitation: http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/03/hacker-commandeers-github-to-prove-vuln-in-ruby.ars One Russian coder (Egor … Continue reading →